Archive | November, 2012

Cubbie Chic

29 Nov

I’ve been having a bit of fun playing with the styling of my new office bookshelves.

cubbie stack

cubbie ikea accessories

cubbie cut glass bowl

cubbie wire mag holder

cubbie fan decks

cubbie daisy

Had to make sure you were still paying attention.

cubbie books

cubbie anthro vase

This pretty vase is one of my Black Friday Anthropologie deals!  I’ve been eyeing this vase for ages, but couldn’t bring myself to buy it at full price.  It’s originally $28 (which isn’t a lot for Anthro), but I think $11 sound better, don’t you?  As you may have noticed, there is one broken petal, but with matching paint dabbed on the broken edge, no one will even notice.  Anthro sale rack FTW*!

*FTW= “For the win”  I blame Hubby for this being in my vocabulary.

Desk Rehab- part 1

26 Nov

Somehow, in 4 days off from the 9to5, I spent less time at home than I would have working 4 days.  I’m sure my home and kitties are feeling neglected.

I did take some baby steps on projects, though.  I made positive progress on Hubby’s new monitor/gallery wall (yay!) and I started tackling my secretary desk.

The desk will be the perfect piece for my new office once I make it a working desk.  Currently the desk surface is unusable due to misplaced hinges and cracked wood- totally fixable!

broken desk

First step to making it usable for its intended purpose and not just a very large paper weight was to disassemble it a bit to remove the cracked worksurface.

deskless desk

In the next few weeks, I’ll use Handy Dad’s tools (and maybe Handy Dad himself) to replace the damaged section of wood.

desk pieces

Amongst the thick layers of dust inside, the desk also had a hidden surprise: a vintage note card and envelope wedged above the interior shelves.  It’s blank inside, but the art on it is just so lovely.

found card

It’s screaming “please frame me” (but its screaming in a very dainty, respectful voice…since it gives off such a dainty, respectful 50s housewife vibe in my opinion).

I can’t wait to get my desk refinished!  I have an AWESOME idea for the style of it that involves both paint and stain.

Did you get any projects started over the holiday weekend?  or have you ever found any hidden treasures in vintage pieces?  share!


21 Nov

Let the holiday season begin!

thankful etsy

What better way to kick off the unofficial start to winter and Christmas season than taking the time to be thankful.  (Especially before getting wrapped up in the season of buying.  Seriously people- black Friday on Thursday??)

Before the craziness that inevitably is the end of the year, take a moment to really pause and appreciate.

I’m thankful for an amazingly supportive family, for a Hubby that makes me smile every day, for you guys who for some reason keep coming back to hear my ramblings, and the ability to follow my dreams.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

image via etsy

Womp Womp

20 Nov

My plan for today’s post was to show you the updates that I made to Hubby’s office for his big 3-0 birthday this past Friday, buuuut the technology upgrades (i.e. a 2nd computer monitor) have been giving me nothing but headaches.  I just wanted to purchase a 2nd one of his current monitor (discontinued naturally), but lets just say, it’s been more of a challenge than expected.  I’ve already exchanged 1 model and we’ll probably do another exchange…. apples to apples it is not (even though the *#@!-ing model numbers are the same).  When I get it all worked out, I’ll post the results (and my missteps when the wounds aren’t so fresh).

…and since I’m very frustrated and feeling inspirationally drained, let’s all cheer up to Surprised Kitty. An oldie but a goodie. I dare you not to smile.

Have a Seat

15 Nov

In my recent bout of project energy, I’ve finally made significant progress on my dining chair collection.

chair collection

All 4 got primed…

primed chairs

progress chairs

And the first set of chairs are painted, recovered, and living in the dining room.  It’s about time: I started collecting these chairs shortly after moving!

dining room updates

If you’re very observant, you may have noticed a sneak peak of these on my new (and in progress) Home Tour page earlier this week.

chairs closeup

The curvy one on the left was the one that needed the most help.  This is what it looked like when I rescued it from a tag sale for $5.

chair before

I’m absolutely in love with the new fabric and the fact that I got an amazing deal on it just makes it all the better (3 yards for a total of $23)!

chair seat

I’m really liking the new look of the room, but I’m thinking about how to take it to the next level- add a real WOW factor.  I have a few ideas, but I need to let them marinate a bit.

dining room updates

Whichever WOW idea I go with, it will certainly have something to do with colors.  A more developed color story in here will go a long way to making it pop.

Jewelry Hook-up

13 Nov

I’ve been talking about how to organize my hoard of jewelry for what seems like forever and a day.  I had been thinking about using frames to display it all, and I even tried a version here.  HOWEVER, I’ve realized, when I drag my feet on a project, it usually means that something just doesn’t feel right.  So I finally scrapped that plan and went a new direction: hooks.

The idea for a collection of vintage-style hooks hit me when Zara Home went live in the US a little over a month ago.  They have so many beautiful options!

zara hooks


After waiting so long for inspiration to hit, I was in the mood to git-r-done.  Waiting for a shipment from Zara Home, no matter how pretty it may be, wasn’t what I wanted (sorry Zara!).  Glutton for punishment, I headed over to my go-to place for vintage style hardware: Anthropologie.  That place is dangerous.  As in walk-through-the-doors-and-surrender-your-wallet dangerous.  Per usual, I left spending more than planned, but I scored a pretty awesome collection of vintage inspired hooks to showcase my necklaces.

jewelry hooks 1

I went rogue and started hanging them without planning it out first.  Thank goodness it worked out- plaster walls aren’t very forgiving.

jewelry hooks 2

I just love the textural interest all the different hooks add.

jewelry hooks 3

The frame was actually an unplanned last minute addition, but it’s one of my favorite parts.  It’s currently showcasing 2 beautiful necklaces from Hubby.

jewelry hooks 4

Not the biggest transformation, but it’s just a breath of fresh air.  Certainly makes my 6am wardrobe accessorizing a bit easier.

Marbled Art

12 Nov

If you haven’t already, check out my new and improved Menu options at the top of the page.  New About page, Home Tour, and Project Archives!  So, without further adieu, on to today’s post!


I wasn’t intending to replicate East Coast Creative’s Marbled Paper Art, but it worked out too perfectly NOT to.

Above the piano has been crying for a large piece of art since day 1.  I found a large frame at the thrift shore, got a large canvas to fill it, and scoured pinterest for ideas.  I’m no painter, so I really wasn’t sure how to tackle it.  Until last week when I was at Paper-Souce for another project and the colors in this hand-marbled paper caught my eye.  For $8, I figured I could use it to fill a few smaller frames around the house that have sat empty.  Surely I’m not the only one who has empty frames hanging out in their decor (I hope).

marble art

The piece of paper happened to be the EXACT size needed for the canvas and the colors were perfect for the dining room, so who am I to argue with fate.  I attached the paper to canvas using gesso, let it dry, and popped it into the frame.

When I got the frame, it did have glass, however I have a bad habit of breaking the glass in larger frames.  I’m dainty like that.  This made the canvas necessary for structure, but it also gave the paper an added textural element.  Let’s call it a happy accident.

piano art

The finished product is so much more refined than any DIY paint creations I could’ve come up with.  Even the resident musician is pleased with the new addition.

hubby piano

The piano’s just calling out to be painted, don’t you think?  Hubby’s on board if I go with a neutral color.  Wouldn’t Madam Piano be sexy in gray?

Sherdog and J-Boom

8 Nov

I’m about to go all weird-fan-girl on you.  Be warned.

My fave bloggers, Sherry and John Petersik (aka Sherdog and J-Boom), the masterminds of the blog Young House Love, were in town last night for the signing of their new book.  (If you don’t read their blog already, what are you waiting for? Go! You’ll thank me!).

yhl sign

Well, I was a little excited to meet them (be it ever so briefly).  They write their blog like they’re writing to their bff, so they make you feel like a part of their lives.  Have you met my friend Sherry?  Oh, wait, even I haven’t met my friend Sherry (well, up until she signed my book).  Mom and I (since I coerced her to start reading their blog too) have had conversations about what John and Sherry are up to like we really know them.  Hm, that sounds a little creepy now that I typed it, but I’ll stick with it.

Mom was able to get there before me and score us an AWESOME spot in line and make a few friends. Thanks Mom!

yhl mom

Before they started signing, they gave a few quick DIY tips for your home or holiday gifts.

yhl demo

They are precisely as cute and awesomely awesome (yup, I said it) in person as they are on their blog.  Here Sherry’s posing for John with 2 ceramic owls they just signed.  Work those owls Sherdog!  Tyra would be proud.

yhl owl posing

They were so sweet to take pics with everyone, too.  I think I was shaking, hope I wasn’t too awkward.  (thanks, nor’easter for my messy hair)

yhl and me

Before they started signing, Sherry mentioned her love of this wall of paper mache animals, so I just had to take a pic in her honor.

west elm animals

It sucks that they got to experience our city in such crappy weather, but I hope they’ll come back in the Spring when Boston really shines!

yhl book

(go buy the book here)

Evolving in a Week

7 Nov

When last we saw the “guest room,” Mom had taken up residence to be near her new job while awaiting the closing of their new house.

Well, I am pleased to say my parents are now officially residents of Massachusetts and, as of last week, our extra bedroom was back to being a blank slate.

empty room

I’m beyond embarrassed to admit, this is how this room has sat for the past 2 years (there was a large purple chair and a half in here prior to Mom’s stay, but it went to a better home with a friend).  I know this may come as a HUGE shock, but zero design went into this space.  Not an ounce.  Not even a drop of paint.

empty room

The challenge of this room is it’s variety of functions:

…and all this needs to work in around 100sf of space.  Recently, a lighbulb went off and I finally knew exactly what to do in the space and over the weekend, I got to work.

I flipped the way we previously used the space and somehow, with adding storage, made the room feel much larger.  (The following pics are in progress and there was no styling involved.)

office progress 1

office progress 2

I still have a good deal of finishing to do for it to feel complete (mounting the tv on the wall, fixing the secretary desk, accessorizing/styling…)

office progress 3

This is the first time since living here that this room has felt like part of this house and not just the forgotten space.  It makes me happy.  Very Happy.  I can’t wait to really polish it up and let it shine!

(5 points to anyone who finds Charlie, the orange cat, in the progress pictures!  It’s like a furry Where’s Waldo)

Sitting Pretty

6 Nov

As I mentioned yesterday, my latest craiglist find is a HUGE hit with my furry friends.  Normally they are rather uncooperative models, refusing to smize for the camera, but I think I’ll have trouble getting any pictures of this sofa without at least one of them on it.

craiglist settee

Meet my new settee/apparent cat bed.

Now that my parents once again have a home of their own, our guestroom emptied out and I can begin to transform it into my office/den.  This room houses our second tv and I needed (wanted) a small scale piece of furniture for lounging on when Hubby takes over the living room tv to watch the Celtics (or whatever the current sports season is).  Being the picky designer that I am, I wanted something with style, in good condition, and dirt cheap.  Check, check, and check.  Did I mention dirt cheap?  You can’t do much better than $30 (plus a little sucking up to Hubby to get him to help me pick it up in the rain)

I knew from first sight, that skirt had to go to modernize it. Well, that skirt came off faster than a cheerleader’s on prom night.

settee skirt

Lucky for me, the legs underneath were in awesome condition too.

settee leg

I plan to take a steamer and try and uncrush some of the matted velvet, but, wow, what a difference stripping the skirt makes!

kitten settee

That totally took it from dated to timeless.  AND it fits perfectly in the room!  I love free updates and cheap furniture, don’t you?